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 Current. Fall Preview 2021
   Spring Rally.
by one. The winner of the trick can use all of these engine points for their advance- ment: in the best case scenario up to 16 spaces. At the latest in each round’s end, all engine credits are used up. The player who moves furthest or who first circles the track two times wins the game.
While during round one only five cards are given out, in the last one the number of cards in hand increases to nine. At that point, all cards are in play and tactical considerations come to fruition, such as not playing the highest card of a suit un- til the second round to avoid gaining low value cards in the trick. However, since the occupied spaces on the race track are skipped and the downhill and the steep uphill slopes cause the car to continue rolling or roll back automatically, the position needs to be taken into account carefully. The tactical level is in the en- try range, experienced players will not be challenged enough and are not the tar- get group here. (cc/dm)
Aporta Games
In Bad Company, up to six players take on the role of a boss who leads a gang of gangsters. The active boss rolls the dice and — just like in Sid Sackson’s Can’t
Bellum Magica.
Stop — creates two pairs out of them. With each pair, a boss can choose a gang member to activate. All other players can use one of the pairs. Each gangster pos- sesses certain abilities that can be used during heists. Those who spend their sparse money for recruiting can profit from additional gang members.
Once you use a special ability during a heist as required, the mission is con- sidered completed. Completed missions provide victory points at the end and help during the game. Whoever leads the heist record in one of the categories of diamonds, gold, money, or art gains a victory point each time the corresponding gangster is activated. At the same time, everyone is chased by the police. The fur- ther and quicker you can get away from them, the greater are your rewards in the game by Kenneth Minde, Eilif Svensson and Kristian Amundsen Østby.
The foundational dice engine with its passive participation and investment in certain rolled results are roughly com- parable with My Farm Shop by Rüdiger Dorn (Pegasus). However, the game play and interaction are on a higher level. I like how your focus can be diversified and re- sults follow. The fact that you always get
something or benefit from outcomes cre- ates an enjoyable gaming experience. After all, crime pays off — well, at least in the game. (cc/dm)
Blue Orange
In Bellum Magica we are evil lords on a treasure hunt with the help of “mean creatures.” Initially equipped with only a
few resources, we accept the active play- er’s rolled dice result, which determines the line of our castle board that gets ac- tivated. As the game progresses, we use barrel tokens or confusion spells to force a re-roll if we think there could be more in it for us. Since there is no other use for these barrels and spells, a happy re-roll party is set in motion until the desired results are finally determined. The re- sources in the rolled line determine your income as well as your combat power, which is needed to attack neutral villag- es or opponent’s castles in order to steal treasures. Whichever player has the most treasure cards in their active line earns a metal chest. Resources are used to recruit creatures, which in turn increase our in- come. We are free to choose if we want to add them to the right or left of our castle, either affects our resource income or our sword power. As soon as an evil lord has ten or more chests, the game ends and everyone adds their treasure values.
Bellum Magica by Frédéric Guérard leaves the game approach open. You can play cautiously and just gather for yourself — or aggressively by robbing the enemies’ chests. As potential victims of attack, we are well advised to recruit creatures with defense shields. Getting into this casual family game is easy. The rich game com- ponents support the fun recruiting and raiding action. For frequent board gamers, this is a fitting half-hour wind-down when
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heads are spinning.
Board Game Box
No, world domination is not enough for the wacky Dr. Faux. He thinks bigger. He wants to become Master of the Universe. In order to implement his plan, he built a time machine. In seven eras like Me- dieval, Renaissance, or Globalization, he travels back and forth in order to create
Photos: Aporta Games, Conrad, Board Game Box

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