Page 58 - Spielbox_2_2020
P. 58

  The King’s Dilemma: Protection from unwanted information
Before each voting in The King’S Dilemma, players reveal what pos- itive or negative consequences the
Dilemma card will have. This might induce very tactical thinkers to put the story in the background and instead prioritize the expected outcome unduly. In order to reduce
this effect, players can waive the disclosure of the conse- quences; in our games, this intensified gameplay and set the focus even more on the theme. It basically
requires a neutral player reading the card text aloud – but who wants to take on that task? Therefore, I alternatively recommend
a small template where you can place the current Dilemma card so that the text is still readable, but the consequences icons are covered. Using the adjacent
diagram, such a template is easy to make out of a piece of cardboard.
Gerald Rüscher/sbw
Yukon Airways: Sequence of play

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