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P. 54

Three Types of Rubble
Vital Lacerda is the current heavyweight champion, the poster boy for those who like complex games with playing times of two to three hours. If you are in that camp, this, his latest game, is a “must buy”; if you aren’t, it is a “must avoid”. Length and complexity are two characteristics of his games.
return for having done various things. They come in the form of cards that you select from a face-up display.
I Piggy-backing on other players visits
The noble action of the king is to open
a public building. What this means in game terms is that you use one of your architect’s plans to place a public build- ing on the board. Once there it will give you and other players points. How many each of you get will depend on the loca-
tion and what types of store are
nearby, so each player will be looking to claim the sites and choose the particular public buildings most beneficial to them. The king’s state actions are to grant a royal favor and to set up a meeting with the cardinal. Royal favors grant you extra
The third is that they have strong story lines, and this time it is the rebuilding of Lisbon in the after- math of the earthquake, tsunami and fires that almost destroyed the city in
1755. The mechanisms focus on the activities of three men. The first is the chief civil engineer, Manuel de Maia, who liaised with the country’s two leading architects and oversaw the construction of the new city center.
The second is the prime minister, Marquis de Pombal, who set about rebuilding the country’s economy, and the third was the
king Joseph I, who did the important stuff such as granting royal favors and attending the opening of new public buildings.
Players take on the role of noble families working in concert with these three leaders to restore the country’s fortunes, and at the
same time boost their own.
Each of the three principals can do three things, two “state actions”
and one “noble action”, and your aim will be to get them to do them in a way that benefits you. The state actions of the chief engineer are to recruit state officials and to acquire a plan from one of the architects. These are both prerequi- sites for building a public building: the
architect supplies the design and the offi- cials will work in the building once it is completed. The chief engineer’s noble action is to enable you to build a store. You need stores in order to generate goods, which you can then sell to raise money.
The prime minister’s state actions are both economic: build ships and produce goods. The country’s main source of income came from exporting
goods to Brazil and to its tradi- tional allies and trading partners, Flan- ders and Great Britain. That is why the ships are needed. The goods come from your stores. His noble action is to exercise his political power and grant you a decree. Decrees give you points at the end of the game in

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